Anonymous of July 2, 2011 11:47 AM, you are damned right! Why compare Malaysia with Hong Kong? Their ex Finance officer couldn't even take advantage of his position to buy himself an expensive car just before his announcement of tax increment. For that little toy he had to step down. Should compare Malaysia with Zimbabwe, Mugabe at least got the gut to buy expensive property in HK and his wife carries expensive handbag while his people starved to death. Though Mugabe got gut, he is still not clever compare to our BN leaders. Mugabe is not welcomed in Western world because he is stupid, not knowing how to get his people to tighten their belts further to pay for the Western PR company to get him to see US president but our leaders all are welcomed to buy properties in London and NY etc. While the stupid Aussies thinks that a few million $ cash carried in a bag round half the world is big deal, not knowing few millions $ to our leaders worth only a few Hermes handbags.
Can't we invite foreign media or reporter to witness this 090711? Like from SG, TW, HK, CN, KR, US, UK...etc countries? Or CNN or BBC? At least we can tell the world how good our Government is. The more the better.
HK's police didn't arrest people before the rally begins, unheard of arresting people for distribution of leaflets. They did allow the peaceful rally to complete, not arresting people until there is some evidence of obstruction.
Malaysia arrests people distributing leaflets or wear particular T-shirt but those who openly threatened a particular race and those threatened to burn down opposition party's HQ are allowed to roam about scott free as expected. Blatantly employing double standard on supposedly 1M citizens! Though a bit funny, most amusing is the ludicrous party that claims to represent the suppressed and oppressed ethnic group trying to defend the double standard. The most stupid ones are those supporters of that archfiend party.
The HK local media has liberty to cover news of the rally from different perspective, which is far different from M'sia where the TV news were instructed and orchestrated to focus on BN Leaders perspective.
You will only see, read and hear BN's propaganda in the mainstream media. Hardly any news from Bersih's perspective.
Mr Leng, you are right, controlling the media and forcing people to stomach in BN's propaganda in MSM is already damned KOTOR. Funny that it behaves like the Communist yet it 'labels' certain group as communist and goes after it!
The above Anonymous , I ever read the above article some days ago from some website which I forgot which one. Can some one enlighten me which websit.This idiot running out of idea and try to fool us !
我国土产~ 其他国家哪里可能有? 除非我们出口吧~ XD
100% correct to your contents !
Without the arrogant and obstruction arm-no, we were have much better in terms of administrations and governance.
Hope the people know what to do next !
A Parent
Stop comparing Malaysia and Hong Kong. Malaysia is much better under BN. if you like demonstration you can go live in Hong Kong.
Including MShitA/M$a and Gera$an
Anonymous of July 2, 2011 11:47 AM, you are damned right! Why compare Malaysia with Hong Kong? Their ex Finance officer couldn't even take advantage of his position to buy himself an expensive car just before his announcement of tax increment. For that little toy he had to step down. Should compare Malaysia with Zimbabwe, Mugabe at least got the gut to buy expensive property in HK and his wife carries expensive handbag while his people starved to death. Though Mugabe got gut, he is still not clever compare to our BN leaders. Mugabe is not welcomed in Western world because he is stupid, not knowing how to get his people to tighten their belts further to pay for the Western PR company to get him to see US president but our leaders all are welcomed to buy properties in London and NY etc. While the stupid Aussies thinks that a few million $ cash carried in a bag round half the world is big deal, not knowing few millions $ to our leaders worth only a few Hermes handbags.
他们比我们 “干净” 多了。
这里有太多无名,先说明我要鸟的是那位在July 2, 2011 11:47 AM写下大马under BN比香港好无春袋的奴才。。。是啊,这里真的很好啊~除了一堆用你血汗钱堆砌的白象计划,还有比香港臭一万倍的官商勾结,横行霸道的流氓政棍,出卖国籍给外来人当‘土著’,享用比你更好的待遇。你在这片土地出生/成长/老死都还只能当比贱民还要低贱的狗奴才,继续快乐吧~!你这脑残的孬种,有种就放名字/照片,我709当天在街头恭候你,操你妈的B!
tell us how Malaysia can be better under BN. Bcoz u can be the cronyst?
Can't we invite foreign media or reporter to witness this 090711?
Like from SG, TW, HK, CN, KR, US, UK...etc countries?
Or CNN or BBC?
At least we can tell the world how good our Government is.
The more the better.
P/S: I m not the stupid anonymous.
國家亂不亂,富強不富強,是看當權的管理效能,是否公平施政,廉潔有效,用人唯才等等。如果連這個簡單的問題也不能以理來辯論而要拉三扯四的硬拗和搞胡,那這個政黨不單不夠格管國家大事,連談論政治都該靠邊站,免輪為國際笑話。如某大媽部長的 “別問我,我不懂,問專業的。。。”,這樣的部長當我管家我都嫌她沒格調,不知所謂,如何管國家?不過有必要時可請她做潑婦來罵街的, 只是太貴了, way above market price.
HK's police didn't arrest people before the rally begins, unheard of arresting people for distribution of leaflets. They did allow the peaceful rally to complete, not arresting people until there is some evidence of obstruction.
Malaysia arrests people distributing leaflets or wear particular T-shirt but those who openly threatened a particular race and those threatened to burn down opposition party's HQ are allowed to roam about scott free as expected. Blatantly employing double standard on supposedly 1M citizens! Though a bit funny, most amusing is the ludicrous party that claims to represent the suppressed and oppressed ethnic group trying to defend the double standard. The most stupid ones are those supporters of that archfiend party.
The HK local media has liberty to cover news of the rally from different perspective, which is far different from M'sia where the TV news were instructed and orchestrated to focus on BN Leaders perspective.
You will only see, read and hear BN's propaganda in the mainstream media. Hardly any news from Bersih's perspective.
That itself is already damn KOTOR!!!
Mr Leng, you are right, controlling the media and forcing people to stomach in BN's propaganda in MSM is already damned KOTOR. Funny that it behaves like the Communist yet it 'labels' certain group as communist and goes after it!
July 4, 9:32pm 的无名者,
The above Anonymous , I ever read the above article some days ago from some website which I forgot which one. Can some one enlighten me which websit.This idiot running out of idea and try to fool us !
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