槟城不再自我定位为廉价组装中心,而转为提供薪酬合理的高科技人才。由外资进驻所创造的大部分就业机会,是以研究开发为主,而不再是劳力组装。例子之一:美国的晶片设计公司 –Altera在槟城开设的新厂,带来了1,100个就业机会,其中有800个是工程师,而且聘请的近乎全都是本地人。
重要的是,面对槟城 “底成本,高科技”的成功方程式,其他州政府是否应该放下政治歧见,向前者取经学习?甚至连高喊“经济转型”但却未见成效的中央政府,是否也应该放下对槟州政府一贯否定的态度,一面虚心吸纳其良好施政的精华,一面真诚支援其振兴槟州的计划?
Indeed Penang is a small state with little of resources like oil palms, rubbers and underground minings as capital based, but its locatons as a tourist attractions and highly technology development has the fundamental preference by pioneer industries and foreign investors.
Since 308 general election the PR take over as state government lead by CM Lim and his team leaders, implementing the so called CAT good governance, Penang once again emerged as a bright Eastern Star, in just less than one term of their new governance, it has been drawn the global attractions and good publicise recently.
It is therefore the people of Penang to make a wise choice in the coming 13th general elections to ensure the present government secure an even majority seats in state so as to consolidate and drawn more talented leaders with new creative ideology for the benefits of the people of Penang.
And above all to develop Penang as a Model State with phosycated high technology, medical advance and education centre in this regions. Ensuring a fair and merits system for talents to build up strength in the home state.
It is necessary to inspire and instill the knowledge of one for all and all for one in the state so that the new generations be committed with sence of love and be proud as a Penang citizen.
A Parent
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