最幽默的还是那个“拉布条抗议欧阳文风婚礼”的建议。我觉得如果有心要搞的话,就干脆搞大一点,不如发动一场“Bersih3.0 - 赶尽杀绝同性恋”的大集会,大家一起替天行道,好不好?
马华公会那群人的『道德』,是看$$$$$$$$的。 如果欧阳文风是亿万富翁,你说马华公会那些废才,会如何反应?
“I believe homosexuals are just like heterosexuals, they should be treated with respect and dignity. I announced my wedding just like my straight friends, have no intention to make it different, but in a homophobic society, it is highlighted.” ~ 欧阳文风
我不赞成同性恋, 但不会这重方式来反对。又不见那些人如此反对污桶吃钱?。真的假道德
It is his own personal issue but many, including myself, do not condone him to distort the Bible to suit his personal preference.
True Christians acknowledge all are sinners and God loves sinners but not sin. God wants sinners to repent and to be regenerated.
To non Christians, it sounds a load of rubbish and it is their choice not to accept it. However, if one wants to claim himself as a Christian pastor yet wants to hold on & preach something not conform to the Holy Scripture, it has gone overboard. It sounds like some politicians who like to hypocritically twist facts to suit their likings.
If he disagrees with the Bible regarding the preaching on homosexuality, it would be more honorable for him to leave the church and the Bible, use his own distinctive 'holy scripture' and not to confuse the non believers and those who are not well versed with the Bible.
Corruption is a public issue but homosexuality is personal issue. The former involves public well beings but the latter is something between the person and his God.
August 21, 2011 1:03 PM那位马华忍者,好心懂一懂脑筋,不反对、尊重同性恋就等于鼓励大家都成为同性恋?
Mostly Crooks Association, better clean your own house, filled with liars, adulterers, corrupters ..... sure has homosexuals in closets, before you open the foul mouth to talk about morality.
Though we don't condone homosexuality, we won't vote for hypocrites, liars and corruptors. Worst is, those from Mostly Crooks Association are sycophants without real capabilities. Just a load of poppycocks.
请问在基督反对的"不好"行为中, 同性念排第几?
请问在马华反对的"不好"行为中, 同性念排第几?
copied from "從聖經的觀點看同性戀"
(申10:17)因為耶和華你們的神,他是萬神之神、萬主之主、偉大有力和可 畏的神;他不徇情面,也不受賄賂。
Introducing...The return of Sodom and Gomorrah,right from Malaysia !
Ready to stock up loads of lubes and go tell your 黄脸婆们 to stay aside ?!
Anon of 2.56pm.
You hit the nail on the head.
不能接受的就别看吧,能接受的就祝福吧,都廾一世纪了 ,hallo 思想视野也应该进步了吧,就一个欧阳马来西人的思想就被毒害,太低能了吧
根据卖华天才的逻辑, 那菜卖华头子公开有情妇就是鼓励有太太的马来西亚男人乱搞性关系?!
其实我不能接受同性念,也不喜欢欧阳的方式。 但那卖华不汤不水的猪头提醒我,他那性能力强的菜总有很大的道德问题。
"Just Share With You", you are right.
If Malaysians can be more matured with rational thinking, they wouldn't have to suffer for decades to bear with this corrupted BN and made use of by those 'politicians' to promote their individual's agendas and to blur the vision of the public from the major public policies which is the real issue which will affect each taxpayers' welfare.
People, let the church deals with those who want to promote homosexuality ( Or adultery, divorce, abortion etc anything against the church's doctrine ) using the church's name. Isn't it not appropriate for non Christians to be the critics of church's doctrines? The church never force your conversions and neither does the church punish apostasy more than expulsion from the church.
Think of it, had this Mr A Y write his own 'scripture' and be a guru of his own religion, what will be the reactions of the Christians/church , the Buddhists, the Muslims, the society at large and the politicians from the various parties?
Anonymous at august 21 1.15pm, Why does teaching for Gay's right are against the bible? As a Liberal Christian I must say that there are many kind of faith in Christianity.
Bible is not a book that suddenly appeared in the human world. It was written by (Jewish) men as a religion, cultural and historical teaching. The values of human being are constant changing. Gay in nature is not harmful to anyone else as long as they are happy. Besides, Jesus told us that “Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven". (Luke 6:37) Who are we to judge whether that gay is right or wrong?
西风东渐,就单凭那一句Human rights可食过山矣!
It is really not much point to discuss the stand of the church of this same-sex unions in this blog. It is nothing unusual for the church and the world holding different opinions in issues of this kind. Indeed it is expected.
For those of you who are open minded and/or really curious/interested of wanting to know more or hear opinions/arguments different from what has been proclaimed or written by Mr A Y, there is an article written by J I Packer :
And other relating articles :
N.B. J I Packer -Board of Governors' Professor, Theology, Regent College. MA, DPhil ( Oxford ) and is one of the preeminent evangelical theologians.
Paul H, please read mtchair ie anonymous of August 21, 2011 5:51 and 6:02 pm to answer your "Why". Luke and Acts were written by Jewish men. The church believe the Bible is Holy Spirit inspired and written accordingly.
My understanding of Anonymous of August 21, 2011 1:15 condemned sin not sinners and therefore your quotation of Luke 6:37 is out of context. It is dangerous to quote out of context else one day the politicians will tell you not to judge them for their wrongs in public eyes but acceptable to them and their supporters.
Hopefully your saying of "The values of human being are constant changing" is referring to tradition, dressing/fashion, not the basic values e.g bribery. According to your logic, the one who bribes and the the one receives bribes are both happy because they get things done according to their desire and so they 'have the right' to tell others that so long they are happy it won't affect others!
Correction to "Luke and Acts were written by Jewish men." Should be
"Luke and Acts were written by Jewish men?"
What I want to say is why should you define gay as a sin as a christian? As long as it doesnt affect me I wont judge him.
Anonymous at August 22 11.50, I am not Jesus to judge whether Gay is a sin or not. But for the politician stuff you mention, I am able to and will always judge from a point of man not god nor according to bible.
For me Christianity is not perfect. They always tend to judge like they are saints while they aren't hence the story of "let him who is without sin, cast the first stone". The time you judge, you cast the stone.
What i want to say to the people who likes to judge using the so-called Christian authority that “The last Christian died on the cross”~Friedrich Nietzsche
May god bless every people, Amen
To Anonymous at August 23, 2011 12:35 AM. Sry you are right, some of the New Testament's Gospel were written by Greeks.
Oh and the so called believe that holy bible written through holy spirit things? Let me remind you that there are many Biblical apocrypha that also believed by some people that they are "books proceeding from godly men"
And not to mention the Famous Book of Mormon.
Paul H,
Is the Book Of Mormon included in the Bible?
Indeed when you said there are many kind of faith in Christianity, you have revealed yourself .
Go and the read the confession of faith of the Methodist, the Presbyterian, the Assembly of God, the Baptist church, the Calvary church etc will explain clearly to you of the faith in Christianity and ask them to explain to you what is Mormon.
Have you read what mtchair ie anonymous of August 21, 2011 5:51 and 6:02 pm quotes from the Bible? If you have, you would not have argued in such manner. If you have not, then read it and make sure you understand the difference between sin and sinner before you 'judge' others' judgment of sin but not sinner which is according to the Bible.
Christians are sinners seeking mercy and grace from God and wanting to be sanctified by the power of the Holy Spirit through God's WORD. Therefore, you have totally mistaken them as throwing the stone but 'avoid' what the Lord Jesus told the sinner to repent and sin no more.
( John 8:11 "Then neither do I condemn you" Jesus declared. " Go now and leave your life of sin." Take note of the difference between 'leave' and 'live')
Let me remind you that Christians take the Bible as the WORD of God and you ought to read the Doctrine and understand the Book as a whole, else it can be very 'dangerous' to quote here and there and ended up in confusion. I can understand your thought because I was once at that stage until the Holy Spirit illuminate my mind and lead me to some very good preachers and their writing on doctrines. If you do not learn and understand doctrine, anybody can find many contrasting statements in the Bible to support one's argument, even the corruptors.
Just wish to apologize to Mr Leng for using your blog to do my duty as an ordinary Christian to clarify some points which may not be to the favour of non Christians which is not unusual because that is what make us as Christians and non Christians. Thank you for your tolerance to allow us to express our view here. Best wishes to you.
The person up stair wrote a very good perspective using Buddhism principles. Rather than live the principles and teaching of our religion, we often started to play God ourselves and pass judgment on others.
Yian, would you care to sit back and read the following?
I agree that those pastors should not have approached a political party to express issues that is pertaining to their faith. The whole issue has been badly handled and politicized. Since Mr O Y is a 'pastor' and claimed himself as a Christian, so it is the Christian family affair and should be dealt with by the church.
Just like you, expressing your support of gay rights, the Christians here are only expressing their support of their faith. Christians are also human being, can't they have their rights to express their understanding of the Scripture? Are you also one who can't differentiate between sin and sinner? Christians referring to sin in the context of their religion, no right to do so? Don't the Muslims and the Jews have the right not to eat pork? Won't you grant the Buddhists' rights to express their views on eating meat and their beliefs? How much is your understanding of Christian teaching and faith or have you researched the subject or just relying on 1 source of information?
Can you not look from another angle that the Christians really believe what is written in the Bible and out of love they hope sinners like themselves will repent and enjoy God's blessings? Just like a wife or parents because of love will keep persuading their loved ones from activities that they believe will harm him and the family, don't they have the right to do so?
Your post "狗咬不放?每個人有自己選擇的路,那管同性戀是不是天生,這就是他人的選擇。我們可以選擇不接受同性戀,但不應該對他人做出批評" You mean Christians have no right to object their Scripture being twisted according to what they know? So, you don't mind if your house or party's rule being twisted by others or your political enemies? So, it is back to somebody can have more rights than others?
-- Paul H said, “The values of human being are constant changing. Gay in nature is not harmful to anyone else as long as they are happy.”
-- Anonymous, August 23, 2011 1:09 said “我本人思想保守,不明同性怎能相愛成夫妻。但我無權去批評別人。如果他們犯子十戒,只有上帝有權。”
Few years ago, in Germany, a brother and a sister of the same parents, claimed they love each other and live together and have children. They were charged in court.
Not long ago in one of our neighbouring country, a father and his daughter had consensual sexual relationship and were charge in court.
Paul H and the above-mentioned Anonymous and those who share their views, can you say heartily that you won't be judgmental in the above-mentioned 'relationship' ( Not the person ) if they were your family members?
If you can, then you truly hold your principle of not judgmental in any relationship so long the parties involved are happy. Then be prepared to accept the next group of people who have sex with animals ( Who can tell if the animal is not consent to it? ). This is already happening in this world though they are rare, only few cases being reported because the society does not condone such behaviour. ( Like homosexuality in the old days.)
If you cannot, why not? Who set the limit of liberalism? To those people, you are playing God also.
Paul H,
your quote 'The last Christian died on the cross~Friedrich Nietzsche'
Do you know that Friedrich Nietzsche died of mental breakdown?
I totally agree with the "而幸运的我们,为何就不能以慈悲的心去接纳他们,平等地对待他们?让他们享有的基本人权?" and the "Rather than live the principles and teaching of our religion, we often started to play God ourselves and pass judgment on others."
Anonymous AUGUST 25, 2011 12:20 PM,
I respect your right as a Christian to judge with your value. As for me the so-called doctrine mean nothing to me. Religion to me are imperfect as they were created by human. The God's will and holy spirit things? I knew it since I was born.
And yes I do notice that Nietzche was died of mental breakdown and I fully understand what Book of Mormon is. What I want to say is, it works both way. How you see the Book of Mormon, that is how atheist and skeptic sees the Bible.
Thanks for your sharing and god bless you.
Sry for bothering you.
Paul H,
Christians or those who don't consent to same sex union or homosexuality also doesn't mean they don't encourage them to come out of the closet either.
The point is it is not the right way to condemn people who want to defend their faith but allowing oneself more right to criticize other's faith.
It is also not appropriate to comment or even pervert Christians' faith without sufficient knowledge.
Christians are taught to be meek, tolerant and patient but it doesn't mean they are not to defend their stand.
Paul H,
"The God's will and holy spirit things? I knew it since I was born."
If you have known God's will since you were born, does it mean you know how to read God's word soon you come out of your mother's womb? Then you must be a genius exceeding Einstein's IQ. If you know the 'holy spirit thing' then you should know not to use the word 'thing'. Have you experience it?
Load of poppycock!
如 Anonymous August 25, 2011 12:20 PM 說的,你們可以以慈悲的心去接纳那些親兄妹結為夫妻生下一代,親生父女有 ‘你情我願’ 的親密性關係,人與獸的 親密性關係嗎?他們也是人,也有 基本人权呀!
如不能,為什麼不能?他們現在也是如同性戀以前的少數一樣呀! 他/她們也會質疑你們假衛道,扮上帝或 佛主或。。。。
這個世界的法理 總該有根源,有所本的吧!
To dear Anonymous,
Sry I lose. Every words of Christian is true and holy. Holy Spirit called me to shut up and go live my normal life.
Sry mr. Leng for flooding your blog.
FSM bless the world. May you be touched by His Noodly Appendage RAmen
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