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嘻嘻,没有问题、没有问题。。。大家不要政治化。。。 |
要是我是AES的老板,我一定在很多地方设置AES, 时速限制20公里,越低越好,鲁莽车主不小心行驶21公里,就违规了。这样就能够抓到更多的超速野蛮车主,罚单越多,公司进账也越多了。时速限制20公里是为了减少车祸,关心车主的性命。希望车主们能够体谅AES董事们的经营苦心,多多配合才对。
所谓的AES "成本“, 是 8亿 (800 millions) 。
只有番薯才会认为, 8亿是天掉下来。
万能国稍为有点用脑的人都知道, 这 8亿的融资,是另一个马哈大帝型的私囊化把戏 :
1. 国库给AES 朋党 贷款8 亿
2. 一段时间后,朋党没钱还利息运作。
3. 巫统去开国库, 送多8亿 出去,然后国有化AES.
4. 巫统和朋党又再发财了。
番薯万能马来西亚有那一项超过1 亿元的“ 私囊化"计划, 不是根据这版本走的?
说时 天下无敌
做时 阳萎无力
赛城下斜坡 AES limit 50km/h .....
brake 店真好赚 ....
- 枫 -
No doubt the people has made a wrong selections in the last general election for which those with low IQ and EQ in no alternative be appointed as Minister to fill the allocations for each component parties. And so called the biggest chinese party has nominated 4 Ministers in cabinet.
However, tracked records of the 4 Ministers performance in the last 4years, unfornately each and every one has failed to deliver or created 'black' remarks in their portfolio, made controversial and 'twisting statements'.
These leaders must be replaced as they are in the bottle neck and unable to produce some creatives ideas of knowledge.
Without new talents and capable young generation to be given an opportunity to contest in 13th general election, the party is likely to sink as the present president has been exhausted and has become negative assets in his party.
A Parent
MCA has 15 MPs. 4 ministers,4 deputy ministers ( exclude those back- door deputy ministers).So balance 7 MPS. But none of them dare to speak out against AES.As for my MP from Gelang Patah, I could hardly see she speaks in parliament.Yet she wanted to be deputy minister.Sources said she will not be selected for the GE13. So can she tell the people of Gelang Patah how many times she had opened her month in parliament ?
The voter of Gelang Patah needs to play a greater efforts by consolidate all man power and resources in the 13th general election so as to ensure a New capable and talent candidate be elected as your representative to voice in the parliament and state assembly on all issues pertaining to the interest of people. After all Gelang Patah has never failed before and it is time for CHANGE.
A Parent
I think, to counter the criticism of BN idiots against PKR's effort in opposing AES, the best answer from opposition leaders should be:
AES or speed trap etc is only a counter measure. In industrial problem solving terms, we call this low class problem solving. First class problem solving method is to find the real root cause and do actions to prevent it from happening. i.e. preventive measures.
If we do a detail 5-why root cause analysis, it is not difficult to come to conclusion the road safety in Malaysia is spoiled by JPJ.
1. there is no proper education / training system, to ensure the students learn what they need to know about driving.
2. they simply issue international driving license to anybody who pao and belanja them drink kopi
3. lack of post mortem system to under what actually cause the accident. Many of a time it can be due to mechanical failures, but JPJ's crony company Puspakom fail to detect the problem (as usual, you can simply pass puspakom by PAO)
In another word, a regime that has no commitment to stop corruption, will not make AES successful. Hence might as well ask them to keep the money to repay national debt!
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