马华的后路,早在他们一次又一次自以为是地把公民和平集会的浪潮 讥讽为“被骗”、“极端”、“搞乱”的过程中被自己斩断了。
在一个公民意识快速崛起的社会,自绝于公民社会之外的马华公会早 就没有后路。就算有,也只是一条黄泉路。
MCA has passed by more than sixty years of history as a political party in Malaysia. They have changed nine Presidents during these periods. As a component member of the ruling party and government, and so called representing chinese community to protect and safeguard the interest of community as claimed.
However, in the early part, they were known as Towkay Party and provide welfare services more than political interest. Those aged members of Seremban may have benefited from them with some sundry goods.
Unfortunately their political power and achievements in the alliance remained unstable in each general election and under different leadership. The Chinese community was given maximum supports once upon a time in trust of their capable to change the livelihood and political influence to benefit them. Nevertheless they have failed their expectations and party encountered internal crisis for which personal interest has placed top priority rather than the party.
Again they have wrongly elected a leader of morale and behavior in stained in the last AGM to face the 13th general election. In the context of desireable for change and wipe out corruption, unfair and extremist, the people had stand up, united together regardless of race and religions vote for opposition on 505. Hence MCA, Gerakan, SUPP were defeated badly in their performance as ever.
Whether MCA die or come back it will be a difficult task in ahead. The party shall have another internal leadership aggression and who ever to be emerge as new president may not be able to convince the party, the community and public if fails to overhaul its organisation, motto and fundamental expectation of its political will.
A Parent
說真的,我覺得馬華能贏得7個國席已是不懂 “行了甚麼狗屎運”!
選前,我估計它不會贏超過5國席的。我一位朋友甚至說馬華只能贏2國席,ie 哭包和黃家全兩人有機會贏。他說,如果DAP可以派有知名度的強者如馮寶君等去對壘黃家全和哭包,馬華吃雞蛋的機會也大有可能。這位朋友到今天都覺得不明白民聯何以派這麼弱勢的人去攻打 Tanjong Malim,讓姓黃的不但贏得輕鬆,還比308贏得更多數票!
MCA boleh!
Mereka tak ada baca paper, tak tau apa rakyat mau. Oh saya tau mereka tak ada baca paper cina, hanya baca Star dan Utusan, patut la.
Holland sangat disukai CD, selalu cakap dia mau ke sana, bawa MCA sekali.
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