Monday, March 24, 2014




Anonymous said...

Very unfortunately MH370 has ended in south Indian Ocean and just so bad that 239 passengers inclusive cabin crews were unable to rescue. This was the greatest tragedy in the history of Malaysia and mystery lost of a flight of MAS on 8th March 2014.
God bless them and all their beloved family and relatives be strong and knowing it became a reality to depart their loved one.

Ah Mi Ta Bah !

A Parent

Anonymous said...

The plane had already landed in the north region whereby terrorism is righteous and killing is merciful. Think carefully why would the pilot headed south knowing that it was a dead end? I don't believe he wanted to kill himself. I believe he was working for terrorists and he is probably one of them, and everything was planned long long time ago waiting for a right moment to pull it off. And the verdict of Annwar probably set up the flame for him to do something like that.

Both America and terrorists want you to believe the plane clashed in Indian Ocean. America is eyeing on the missing plane waiting for the mastermind to show himself. They are doing everything they can to force our government to make announcement in favor of them. So as the terrorists, why would they want to admit about the hideous act? So that everybody will ask them for the plane and ruin their plans in attacking their enemies? Think about it.

Did any of you observe that the western media is trying to make the incidence looks technical than safety issues now? Don't forget, from the beginning they were the one who exposed the news and now they try to kiss MAS' ass. Something is wrong. My guess is, after the by election, the rotten government finally agreed to the america and make the absolutely useless announcement to stop the search in the northern corridor so that America can keep an eye on the missing plane and waiting for the mastermind to turn up.

If my analysis is correct, they will announce that they can't find the black box in Indian Ocean which makes sense to many people.

Finally please tell us what you think about it.

睿 said...

Anonymous of March 25, 2014 at 11:42 PM:

Do you have any concrete evidence to substantiate your belief?

Do you know that the Northern region that you mentioned is heavily guarded that if MH370 were to fly over there, it will be picked up not only by the Indian satellite but also the US satellite network?
Do you know that they, unlike RMAF, they will not make "assumption" that any flying object is "non-hostile" or nor would they dare to assume that they can sleep in the job and would not have to bear any responsibility?

Are you in the the aviation industry or have any experience in aviation to support your 'belief' against the pilot?

Do you have any knowledge of the circuitry and wiring of the aircraft and the details of the maintenance work involved?

Do you know precisely what are the items in the carrier's cargo? You know exactly the packaging of the lithium ion batteries being carried? Do you know if they are chargeable or non-chargeable lithium ion batteries?

Do you know exactly how the Boeing 777 planes are being tracked when flying?

Do you know the pilot personally to justify your 'belief'?

Finally, do you think you are being fair to the pilot and his family who cannot defend himself against your 'fantasy' or 'belief'? How would you take it if any venomous attack were to fire at you or your loved ones when you are not in the position to give your version of the happenings?

Please be a responsible person and stop your wild guessing.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

TO 睿:
No I don't know much of what you been throwing here. But I do know that it was a deliberate act which means either the pilot killed himself or committed terrorism by hijacking the plane which jeopardized so many lives on board. Is that good enough for me to nail him?

IF YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND THIS, PLEASE DON'T ASK ANYBODY TO RESPECT SOMETHING YOU DON'T KNOW. One doesn't have to know how to fly 777 to curse the pilot or MAS. You see, whichever happen to the pilot, we KNEW he switched off the radar DELIBERATELY. Who are you to defend for somebody like that? It is the duty of MAS to make sure nothing like will happen. Don't try to cover their ass, don't let them get away.

Who are you to say both IRANIAN who boarded the plane with stolen passport had nothing to do with the incidence? How could you trust what you are told. Don't forget how the HELL could they manage to get inside the plane. Don't you think somebody should responsible for it? Don't you think somebody should explain this to the relatives of the passengers?

COME ON how old are you? Don't you read? Can you use your brain to think for once?

Ok my fantasy could be too much for you or anybody to shallow. But one thing for sure, STOP the hypocrisy. Don't pray for nonsense but find out how the hell anything like this could happen. And make sure it WON'T happen again. To do that you don't rely on the nonsense that come out from the same people who should responsible for this. You give them pressure to make them do their jobs right.

Because I am responsible for what I say, and so must MAS and the Malaysian government. Remember I didn't cause the plane to go down, it was the negligence of the country and the system that killed so many people on board (if the plane did go down as mentioned)

I don't believe the plane went down there because based on the way the western media is switching from kicking ass to kissing MAS's ass recently. Something is weird. If you are one of those who rely on main stream media, please go watch ultraman and Donald duck. You are too naive and too young for this.

I fell sorry for the people on board and extremely mad at MAS and the government. Don't tell me how hard they tried. Oh please, they tried hard to cover things, that is for sure.

Lastly I hope the relatives and friends of the passengers on board (EXCEPT for the pilot) will let things go. HOWEVER those who are not connected, please try everything you can to NAIL their ass. Haven't we already have enough of nonsense for the pass few years. These people were too busy with Shaiful ass hole, so much that they forget about their obligations to the nation.

Again, if you think we should keep silent and let the culprit get away. Then when the next plane goes down again, you are as guilty as them. I terribly mad at those who are calling us to stop the attack. Why should we? Can you give me a reason?

睿 said...

To Anonymous of 26, 2014 at 11:36 PM,

Here you come again, without engaging your brain, just talk through your hat and shoot off your mouth!

Did I pinpoint you or anybody that caused the plane to go down?

Did I ever say that we should let the culprit, whoever that is, get away?

Did I defend the Malaysian government or MAS of their negligence?

==>You said, "But I do know that it was a deliberate act which means either the pilot killed himself or committed terrorism by hijacking the plane which jeopardized so many lives on board. Is that good enough for me to nail him?"<==
Come on, be an adult. All that I wanted to tell you was, be a responsible person, don't accuse others just because you believe so, without any evidence.
If you "don't know much of "my earlier queries, your "I do know" based on what? facts or fantasy?

Any reasonable adult would know that any "intelligent" guessing or logical conclusions, should based on certain knowledge or facts. If it were just based on "I do know", then you are letting the culprit(s) to use the same twisted reasoning to justify his or their "crime".

You can scream and scold the Malaysian government or MAS for their negligence and faults, that, I am sure many will support you and you can count on my support too. It is very obvious, time were wasted because the rescue team was pointed to the wrong direction ie the South Chine Sea, and that is due to either poor communication amongst the officials or there is something that they want to conceal. Due to the negligence of the Royal Malaysian Air Force, a golden opportunity had been missed in "aiding" MH370 in whatever means that is appropriate at the most crucial moment.

However, to accuse the pilot as " was working for terrorists and he is probably one of them, and everything was planned long long time ago waiting for a right moment to pull it off. " in your earlier posting is just too much and being adamant about it despite of your not being able to come out with a more convincing evidence is just unbecoming.

Dead man cannot defend himself, it is very ugly to accuse him just based on your belief! It is not fair to the dead man's family.

To bring back the point, any reasonably intelligent person will know that any intelligent guessing or logical reasoning, if not back up with sufficient evidence, is only a suggestion and only nincompoop will think that is "good enough to nail" the accused.

I shall not waste my time or bring down my level of intelligence to communicate with one that is so adamant about his views despite of obvious lacking in evidence nor knowledge in the subject matter.

睿 said...


剛開始馬航只說有3,4ton的 “山竹”,後來才承認有200kg 的 “lithium-ion” batteries。澳洲曾要求馬方給它一份所載的“物流單據”。聽說馬方說無法交出,因為 正在檢視““物流單據”,有這回事嗎?不懂最後有沒有影印一份給澳洲?