针对这个说法,有两道问题是我们必须思考的:首先,我们是否已经沦落到非要依靠发展这些高风险计划来维生不可了? 其次,这些计划是否值得让我们押上人民的健康安危作赌注?
西澳洲大片沙漠地,幹嘛要山長水遠的來此提炼稀土?虧那衛生部長還 說對方保證顧及安全处理等?!真他*的,怎的這種料也敢當部長,還是終日見報,死愛出風頭的 ” 阿 茂 “!
環境部長也不曉死去那或是又一個內閣集體拿了 回佣或配了股?
Cyanide + Lynas + Neuclear Power = Money Money come
Arm-no + Made Chinese Angree + M-I-See = I want I want
Malaysia boleh - no earthquakes - no Suinami = build neuclear plant ?
A Parent
請問新加坡有 “建这些” 嗎? 怎的人家又可成為 “高收入国”?
這麼愛錢別做 拔牙佬啦!去做鴨吧,別傷害無故的人民。
心照啦,政府要再搞一个mega project来个袋袋平安。
啊,对了,我们的mega project - Bakun怎样了?
helo,dai lor Lim - u sempalit kacang -
Ti lian ker seems like supporting
for it.
wat say u?
Pity Mahmud school produce this type of fan kuat cai
ah beng
吳啟聰, 電費降前可能你都已下了地獄 受火刑啦。
凌国文 said...
Arsenic gold mining and rare earth processing can be managed in terms of waste management and pollution control. Nuclear power plant is a different story. With the mediocre track record of high tech project management in Malaysia, one nuclear reactor incident can wipe out the existence of Malaysia because it is so small for all the nuclear leak to contaminate every things from air to water to the lands. Then there is no more needs for DAP, Pakatan, BN, and Perkasa. We all become international refugee, some are still rich refugee and most of us will be slaves in other countries. May be that is the destiny from an arrogant decision. The problem with politicians is they are extemely ignorance in this areas and extremely arrogant about it. Imagine no more bumiputra, no more pendatang and all kinds of man made infightings; very peaceful land, with all the rakyat with one form of cancel or another and no hope for the next generations. May be that is the grant plan if we do not vale what we have and cherish the blessings. Let us watch how Japan suffer from the current nuclear reactor incident, it is just unfolding and not done yet. No politician can play the fool with nuclear stuffs.
"Arsenic gold mining and rare earth processing can be managed in terms of waste management and pollution control."
However, knowing very well the work ethic of this government and its people, can you entrust them in managing the radioactive waste? Look at the various fail projects and the leakages from the roof top of the parliament building and the hospitals, MACC staff downloading and watching porno in the office etc is self evident of the level of trustworthiness and assurance of responsibilities of 'our' people.
Can Lynas pass the Aussie' stringent standard in environmental protection act? Has not Lynas already admitted that they are 'researching' ways of using the 3rd stage by-products?
China already suffering from the adverse impact to their their environment with this rare earth processing, shouldn't we be more cautious about it?
We know 'our' government and people, particularly 'our' politicians. Have they ever give us a good track record of credibility and accountability?
The very fact that they can't even handle simple tasks with credential yet insisting on the nuclear power project despite of what is happening in Japan, give us every good reason to question their 'agenda'.
坦白說,民聯在這屆砂州選舉,有一點做得並不漂亮,那就是民聯諸黨為競選選區分配,未戰先亂,讓砂州人民留下不好印象。砂州國陣當然樂得坐山觀虎鬥。民聯最致命的問題所在,除了成員黨之間理念分歧,其次就是資源分配,包括選區和權利。除了行動黨,民聯其他成員黨的選情,均不被看好,國陣要捍衛砂州 政權,可以說毫無懸念,要保住三分二優勢,預料也能低空飛過。
We keep complaining about the government; just remember this government is elected by the people.So,the root of problem goes back to the rakyat. What u get is what u ask for. Can Pakatan do a better job? May be, May be not.
1. 难到只有起nuclear plant才能变成高收入国?那就请说说下能容下几个就业机会?到头来还不是一个‘我们没有这方面的专才’,然后又在请外国专家?
2. bakun水坝都还没起好就来个nuclear plant, 好像我们这里很缺电这样?
1. putrajaya (万事都放心,安啦,有首相看着,不要然突然间首相属会全部搬去sarawak就好鸟)
2. johor (如果有什么事情,我相信singapore会第一时间跑过来帮忙的,又是国震麻花的堡垒区,应该多多照顾他们的)
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