Liow Tiong Liar, lying through his teeth! Is that what he meant by 誠信?!
I must give my Bentong friends a good tease that their parents & relatives have elected a blatant Liar to be their MP!!! This goon brings shame and dishonor to his constituents, for people will think Bentong folks must be fools to put their trust on a Liar who only knows how to sniff his bosses' arsehole and most of the time just farting around, a good for nothing arse-licker.
Like the Chinese saying: 'Take the boss money, solve problem for the boss.' He is not there, what does he know? The best way is to admit it and it and apologize,and earn some dignity, nobody is perfect. Keep playing arrogance will only dig a bigger hole for those disconnected from the rakyat.
As mentioned by YB Anthony Loke, there was a Curi Curi Wang Msia for Dr Ng recently, it is appropriate to have another Tipu Tipu Rakyat Msia for Liow and find out the truth by public vote especially those who have attended and witnessed the scene of tear gas and cannon jets shot into the Asunta Hospital on 709.
It is a good idea to hold 全国巡回演讲 to explain the Bersih cause and noble objective and let the kampong Malays understand who is being defiant against the King's proposal and why there is such need to hold the rally. Many people in rural areas are still very dependant on the feeding from MSM.
Mr Leng, I have a request on behalf of my Bentong friend ie please urge the opposition party to show Liar Liow Tiong LIE's lying conference in the hospital coupled with the solid evidence of video and photographs when holding the talk in Bentong. Please get them to understand that it was the FRU purposely forcing people to enter the hospital's compound.
Up to now ,none of the leaders or members of the Malaysia Coward Association dare to openly support this liar. Even that cry baby also dares not twwet in Malaysiakimi which he does daily!
Liow Tiong Liar, lying through his teeth! Is that what he meant by 誠信?!
I must give my Bentong friends a good tease that their parents & relatives have elected a blatant Liar to be their MP!!! This goon brings shame and dishonor to his constituents, for people will think Bentong folks must be fools to put their trust on a Liar who only knows how to sniff his bosses' arsehole and most of the time just farting around, a good for nothing arse-licker.
Like the Chinese saying: 'Take the boss money, solve problem for the boss.' He is not there, what does he know?
The best way is to admit it and it and apologize,and earn some dignity, nobody is perfect. Keep playing arrogance will only dig a bigger hole for those disconnected from the rakyat.
楼上的廖先生, 现场目击者人数恐怕带上法庭都能100%推翻你的说辞,更不用说把照片和短片作为呈堂证物~~;
很多人证/物证/现场录影~证明警察有向同善医院射水炮/催泪弹。。。。。。廖中莱 :“同善医院的主席黄茂桐说没这样的事,所以真相大白了,所以以后不要再引用照片及短片作为证据”......
马的,再来给他们一个bersih 3.0!!!!
People, please pay attention:
廖中莱,Liow Tiong Lie, that is his name. The Registrar must have made a mistake in the spelling of his last name, it is LIE, not LAI.
Today, Liow Tiong LIE is illustrating the LT Lie's '見面不如聞名' and his interpretation of 誠信.
哇, 连中国李鹏在六四的那一套都学来了。更厉害的是,有了一大堆物证,Liar中莱随便找个人就推翻所有的物证, 这个功夫,连李鹏都自愧不如。
那位同善的董事都那么老了。Liar Tiong Lie还要他撒那样的荒天大谎,于心何忍???!!!Liar Tiong Lie 还说警方射水都是至少45度。照片明明是直射,怎么证据确凿,还要撒谎。。。。无言
怎么现在不是被大风吹进医院范围了???!!!! 楼上的话比卫生部长有脑.
As mentioned by YB Anthony Loke, there was a Curi Curi Wang Msia for Dr Ng recently, it is appropriate to have another Tipu Tipu Rakyat Msia for Liow and find out the truth by public vote especially those who have attended and witnessed the scene of tear gas and cannon jets shot into the Asunta Hospital on 709.
A Parent
廖仲莱: 那一粒是风吹进来的,才一粒罢了嘛。。。
Brother Leng strongly support your proposal for the countrywide talk . Please don.t forget Johor Bahru !
caucibai M$A.
YOu see, I truthly "understand" (not agree) why they deny about attacking hospital.
Why shocked me is, why this so call minister cover up the lie with another worst lie???????
Strongly support the 全国巡回演讲。(希望不会被ka-kacau-cau)
Don't forget Seremban!
----- 原来相机也会选边站喔!!高明!高明!
--一针山人 --
哇!真是为你捏了把冷汗,要小心Liar Tiong Lie等下准备控告你毁谤!这个政治逃兵都不敢回马六甲挑战林冠英还敢在这边说屁话!F*** you Liar Tiong Lie!
It is a good idea to hold 全国巡回演讲 to explain the Bersih cause and noble objective and let the kampong Malays understand who is being defiant against the King's proposal and why there is such need to hold the rally. Many people in rural areas are still very dependant on the feeding from MSM.
Mr Leng, I have a request on behalf of my Bentong friend ie please urge the opposition party to show Liar Liow Tiong LIE's lying conference in the hospital coupled with the solid evidence of video and photographs when holding the talk in Bentong. Please get them to understand that it was the FRU purposely forcing people to enter the hospital's compound.
The health minister should also see a psychiatrist, as he is suffering from hallucination and pathological denial/lying.
liar中莱 你这条杂种 祝你早日归西.
Up to now ,none of the leaders or members of the Malaysia Coward Association dare to openly support this liar. Even that cry baby also dares not twwet in Malaysiakimi which he does daily!
我看 三十六计里,要加多一计了, 就是 ‘ 死口不认 ’ , 无论控方有什么证据,就算铁证如山,只要你用了尿中来 这一招 ‘ 死口不认 ’ ,然后再加上 三十六计里 的 ‘指鹿为马’。。。。那么你的官位就会不动如山了 !!!
脑筋能活动点的人都知道,是因该这样说的 (次序颠倒了,笨蛋!)
刚才和同事们吃lunch, 谈起这件事。原来是有人相信这大话精的耶!!!所以我就平反啊。谁知道同事们还反问我是否在现场。气死人了!!!
-- 一针 --
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