Wednesday, April 30, 2014




马华公会反对伊斯兰刑法,不用全党上下天天一人发一篇相同内容的文告,毕竟报章版位有限;也不需要神色凝重地警告“不要逼我们走上街头”,这个年头“走上街头”早就不是什么大不了的事情了。马华需要做的,就是连同和他们平起平坐的执政伙伴 - 占有国会下议院89个席位的巫统,一起在国会否决伊斯兰党的提案,就可以让后者碰个灰头土脸了。




Anonymous said...

Such a rediculous idea by the MCA Youth Chairman to suround Parliament to stop move of Members of Parliamet to table a private bill of hudud islamic laws. And the shout of his President 'dont force them to protest in the streets' are so called the 'New strategy' of the party - New MCA !
It is obviously non-sense as the party is a member of government and has absolute authority and power if they have intention to pass a motion or vice versa in the parliament.
They dare not to propose to his big brother for stop such a bill to be mention instead of beating in the bush and shouting cursing of the opposition parties.
This is a clear evidence that so called to claim dignity and pride to be as a cabinet member were merely 'political says' but remain to be under dog.
As a matter of fact, hudud laws were still unable to be accepted by large social inclusive Malays and Non-Malays and look like the move shall splits the nations instead be united under the present common laws.
As such the government should take positive steps to prevent further damage our multi racial society living in peace and harmony.

A Parent

Anonymous said...

Another big joke of the century is Wee Ka Siong said that MCA participation in Bukit Glugor only 50-50. The decision lies with the PM. MCA dares not contest in a constituency where the Chinese voters is about 74%. so Wee you better recommend to your party to drop the words Chinese Association

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Please understand hudud from Atheists especially people like richard dawkins in youtube or purchase his bestseller book the god delusion. If you can't understand why people believe in nonsense, you can't beat them.

The best way to fight nonsense is to expose them PUBLICLY. For instance communism, most people won't be fooled by such a stupid ideology anymore. Why? Because we are more educated than those people back then who were busily struggling to fill the tummy. Education, I mean proper and secular education will cure retardation syndrome.

Ask yourself what kind of people will support stoning and chopping off people's hand but at the same time they consider themselves peaceful and wise? Please don't make me laugh anymore, we have had enough of it from the press conference of MH370.

Anonymous said...

Just read from somewhere that liar Liow said MCA is not scared to contest the Bukit Glugor seat.It is just a strategy.I did not had very high education nor am a politician . But I know that to contest in a by-election needs no strategy. To win the seat than you need some strategy. If you are afraid to contest a seat which you lost by a big margin just admit it.

凌国文 said...


Anonymous said...

He is only for political talked show only and can do nothing in the end !
As his new president needs to refer to his big boss for proposed candidate to contest in Bukit Glugor clearly proven that he got no authorization, and similarly to exchange seat with Gerakan for Teluk Intan constituency was denied by the DPM. Therefore the results of the Penang by election obviously is clear.
As regard to their withdrawal from BN to protest against hudud laws, they are more interested to be appointed as cabinet Ministers or deputy. No guts to do so?

A Parent